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Emails to my Therapist

Weakness or Strength?

Peeling a car isn’t everyone’s idea of fun. But my car needed it. It’s an artcar, as I’ve mentioned here before. And my most recent attempt at a white background for the morning glories used housepaint. Bad idea.

It started to blister. Then ragged tatters of paint flapped in the breeze as I drove. Something had to be done.

So in late morning I started ripping off bits and strips of paint. It was so much fun. I kept thinking I would quit and go move the laundry from washer to dryer. But then I’d pull one more dirty bit of paint off and another.

And then I discovered that four hours had passed. Unbelievable! I would have believed maybe an hour and a quarter.

Which brings me to my point. I’m good at focusing, losing track of time, and staying with a project literally for decades. My point: our weaknesses are our strengths inappropriately applied. I could have quit earlier and borrowed a sander. Or settled for a less-peeled car. (It’s no prize as it is, I’ll tell you.) Or at least made a conscious choice. That’s the key thing: to pause for a second to make a choice.

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