To Twitter Boldly?
Just when I get blogging down and have ever-so-confusedly waded into Facebook, here comes the rolling thunder of Twitter. It has been around. But never so publicly and famously as in recent weeks, or so it seems to me.
Months ago I made some move to sign up for it, but have done nothing with it.
Then just in the last few weeks, I read a large feature on it in New York magazine. And someone running a boat near that miraculous New York plane crash in the Hudson saw what was happening and, of all things, tweeted about it. Legislators were twittering from the floor of Congress while they listened to Obama give a live speech in front of them. And Jon Stewart did a snarky riff, “Twitter Frenzy”, on his Daily Show; seems he thinks it’s dumb. “This new technology sounds adorable!…I have no idea how it works or why it is.”
The whole idea is sorta like this: you text-message a friend list a thought that can run up to 140 characters.
But today I learned about something going on on Twitter that I want in on. But jeez, I’m tired of these time-consuming new systems cropping up. However, I may have to learn the art of tweeting. Because there’s an item going around called Queryfail; agents and editors are posting bits from bad query letters they’ve received (w/o any names.) A lot of readers are saying that seeing these errors is teaching them how to do it right. So that’s a valuable resource. And I suppose I need to jump in. See you there. I guess.
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Categories: beginner, boldness, editor, technology