The Courage to Teach
How did I not know about this guy: Parker J. Palmer?
I’ve just discovered his book The Courage to Teach–only now after all the wrestles I’ve had with this very matter. Where was he my first day of teaching at Duke when, as I later learned, the students and I had received different starting times for the class and I thought for the first fifteen minutes that all but two early birds had dropped out already?
This book has been out for 11 years, and going by Amazon ranking, appears to be quite in demand still. Well, Parker Palmer, Peggy Payne is on her way (to read you.)
For others: Palmer is located at his Center for Courage & Renewal. Or see his 3 minute video about getting over the feeling of powerlessness and seizing your “Rosa Parks moment in life.”
His other books include:
To Know As We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education
Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation
A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life
And more…
Note of interest: he spent 11 years living in a Quaker community.
Where I finally ran across his work was an old O magazine.
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Categories: courage, creativity resources, teaching, writing