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Emails to my Therapist

The Common Good

The lovely closing to a recent email from a writer/minister/blog reader: 

"I join you in wanting to live and write with courage. May this year be one in which we all find ourselves living more boldly
for the common good."

The kind of well-intended boldness that we talk about here is so often good for more than just the individual who sticks her/his neck out.  At the very least, the bold action sets an inspiring example.  Sometimes it rights a wrong, or is a move in that direction.

The email reminded me of this assumption that I so rarely mention.  I do consider the outward rippling of good to be part of the definition of bold.

You who wrote these lines, identify yourself if you will.   In any event, thanks….


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Categories: courage


  • February 7, 2011 at 2:48 pm Reply

    Yes, Peggy, living boldly sets a very good example for others and sometimes even gives them the courage to live more boldly in the process.  I know that I have mentioned this to you before, but I will say it again.  I credit you for giving me the courage to create a blog which I now consider something that allows me to live more boldly.  Your example allowed me to write out loud and to keep an ongoing history of my life.  I thank you for that, my friend:)

    • Peggy Payne
      February 9, 2011 at 8:05 am Reply

      And it’s such a wonderful blog. You give me far too much credit, Debbie. Thanks.

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