The Blooming Season
Spring is without question the boldest time of year, sending tender shoots and delicate flowers up into iffy weather. March is a bit like a writer sending out a manuscript, or anyone who’s hunting for a new job in a tough economy.
As T.S. Eliot wrote in “The Waste Land” about the cruelly unpredictable and lovely April: spring does the bold work of “breeding/
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing/
Memory and desire, stirring/
Dull roots with spring rain.”
If daisies and such can keep dusting off their dull roots, venturing upward and blossoming, so can we. Consider letting the flowers you see today inspire and re-encourage you. Even if the sky is overcast.
(Full disclosure: these were shot in May–in the mountains of Mexico at the spa Rancho La Puerta–but I think they still make my point.)
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Categories: boldness, courage, persistence, renewal