Sports and Lipstick…at Any Age
My elderly husband (67) and I (60) had dinner in a sports bar Friday night, the Salem Street Pub. I never did that before–though I once edited a story that importantly took place in one–and didn’t do it this time on purpose. It looked like a cafe sort of place, and the patty melt had been reviewed as the best in my local three-city area.
It was very, very loud. There were many large TV screens showing different kinds of games.
And it was kinda cool, though I’ve never been much for spectator sports. Women’s fastpitch softball was an inspiration. I was pleased to see that one excellent batter was wearing make-up. I love the idea that you have don’t have to give up lipstick to play ball. That we can combine whatever elements suit us individually, which makes the terrain more interesting for everyone.
The patty melt was excellent, too.
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