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Emails to my Therapist

Portents, Omens, and Signs

After my ten minute meditation break this afternoon, I opened my eyes and saw a tiny rainbow over the doorjamb. A little comet. Or an idea arriving. We get to interpret signs and symbols as we wish.

Basic principle of interpretation of all things: choose the option that’s the most helpful, the one that would do the most to encourage creativity, spur decisive action, lead to good things.

A rainbow comet on a gold wall heading straight for my desk is the very embodiment of optimism. It is A Good Sign.

Note from Rainbow Links: “The rainbow is a symbol of hope, security, and dreams for future teaching and healing. The rainbow has ancient meanings. The seven colors symbolize not only the rainbow in the sky, but also the spiritual chakras for human and world healing. The circular mandala symbolizes the endless flow of the colorful life force.”

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Categories: decisive action, encourage creativity, making meaning

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