“Painting into Light”
“Painting into Light” is an art exhibition at Guilford College in Greensboro, a one-man show by my friend George Wingate.
Thursday night Bob and I went to the campus to hear the artist talk about his work. George was his intriguingly digressive, imaginative, thoughtful self, before a packed SRO house. I didn’t take notes and couldn’t begin to quote from his outpourings.
But there was a line on the wall in his artist’s statement that is well worth passing on:
“It took a long time to discover that one can’t make a career out of being somebody else. I still have to fight being somebody else. The artist even has to fight to not be what he/she was yesterday.”
George was in high school with Husband Bob, which would make him approximately 67 years old. And he has been a full-time artist for decades, with his work on the cover of American Artist and well and lengthily reviewed in the New York Times. He’s still engaged in a daily wrestle.
If you are too, you’re in good company.
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Categories: creativity, self expression