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Cobalt Blue: A Novel

A novel for courageous readers and seekers, COBALT BLUE is a turbulent, gorgeous ride into sacred sex..

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Emails to my Therapist

New Year’s Resolution Update

Okay, it’s only two weeks into the year, but anything after the first week can be a wobbly moment.

My resolution I summed up at the time as To Defuse the Resistance. And my plan of action was to meditate twice a day, ten minutes each. (explanation on earlier post.)
In short, meditation is to help me to get past the obstacles to where I want to be, on all fronts.

So far, I’ve been doing the meditating. That’s big. And I actually got around to buying a kitchen timer last night. (I’d been peeking at the clock up til now.)

And I attribute to the meditating (and getting great feedback) the fact that I’ve had one significant breakthrough in revising my novel. I’m very happy about that.

On the other hand, I’m still deep into the sugar habit, Mickey D’s Sweet Iced Tea and the birthday cakes in my freezer that I’m still methodically polishing off.

If I had to choose, I’d rather things go well with the novel, but the fact is, I could choose to well on both.

How’s it going with any resolves or goals of yours?

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