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Making Good on Old Promises

A couple of times, in answer to requests, I’ve promised pictures that I didn’t immediately deliver.

I guess I should say I’m making semi-good on the promises, since I’ve come up with only picture in each category.

This first one is a piece of the road from where I live toward the first stretch of pavement. It’s the downhill-and-around-a-pond route I said I didn’t care to drive when the ruts had turned to ice: see, “The Driving Decision.”

This second is from Rancho La Puerta spa in Tecate, Mexico, where I taught a writing class over Thanksgiving week (that’s how long I’ve dragged in getting to this.) This is a walkway through the grape arbor toward one of the gyms. Rancho often shows that things don’t have to look the way they usually do. The gym has stained glass doors and a fireplace with a piece of mosaic art inlaid in the stone wall above it. See: “Spa Teaching.”

To me there’s always something bold and adventurous about a path or a road.

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