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Emails to my Therapist

A Writing Schedule

Oh, shucks. I thought I was about to shut down and go home for the day and then I realized: not yet.

Saturday at the workshop I taught, I asked participants to devise and make a commitment to a realistic “sustainable” schedule for doing their own writing.

At the same time, I silently made a new commitment to my own. I vowed I would do some work on my own writing (in addition to critiquing manuscripts, meeting with writer-clients) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. At least.

Here it is Monday, at 6:31 and I haven’t yet done it.

So…reckon I’ll get to it now.

Care to make such a commitment yourself? Or report on how yours is working out?

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Categories: career strategy, self-management, time management

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